Was it wrong to drink water when working out?

Was it wrong to drink water when working out?

Just losing 2 percent of your body weight in fluids will improve your performance by up to 25 percent. If you're an professional competitor or a weekend warrior, drinking water during exercise is important if you want to get the best out of your workout and look healthy when you're doing it.

blog time 12:00 AM 24 Aug, 2021

2 Responses

Usama Waseem

Usama Waseem

blog time 01:54:pm 01 Jul, 2021

  1. It helps us to replace fluids and mineral salts during sports training.
  2. It allows the heart to pump blood freely and for nutrients and oxygen to be properly distributed throughout the body, including the muscles.
  3. You will feel more energetic and stronger.

Therefore, drinking water is an advisable habit if we want to practice sports in the best and healthiest conditions, and obviously also in our day-to-day life. The consequences of dehydration at work, for example, are not much better.

If you still have doubts, we will tell you that the recommended water intake while practicing sports is 200ml every 15 minutes, and before and after 300ml to increase fluid reserves and / or recover what you have lost.

In addition, you should not only drink water while you train, but also throughout the day. Don't forget that experts recommend drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day. To start acquiring this good habit, remind yourself that water fountains for offices and homes or bottles of water in general can be of great help.




blog time 01:50:pm 01 Jul, 2021

For many myths and theories that exist around water consumption, what must be made clear is that drinking water is always healthy, and even more so during sports practice. Drinking liquid is essential to take care of the mind and body in order to practice sports, with the physical wear that this entails. In fact, it can be highly harmful not to drink water while doing sports; the dehydration in neither case is a good sign. In addition, it is not only advisable to drink water during physical exercise, but its consumption is also recommended before and after.
