When it comes to Elon Musk nothing is just simple. I mean he is called a genius for some reason. It will be stupid to even ask “Does Elon Musk have a Twitter?” From the time, he acquired Twitter, the man has been extremely experimental with the social media network. Regardless, of what Elon Musk’s net worth is, the man treats Twitter as his personal playground. Which is funny and sad at the same time. Recently, he decided to drop W from the Twitter HQ building. The journey of Twitter to Titter definitely turned people’s heads and made some extremely furious. Elon Musk twitter account posted he did so because the entrepreneur wanted to change the social network name and since their landlord, insisted that the sign on the building has to be TWITTER legally, he simply painted W the same as the background color- which was white! The way his brain works can amaze a 5-year-old easily. Once again, he was found in a playful mood when he replaced Twitter’s iconic blue bird logo with his pet Floki, and later latest tweet Elon Musk started trending online.
I completely love Elon Musk. People who has problems with him are actually jealous of his achievements. He has a unique mind and perspective towards things that's why he is a billionaire and you are not! And YES, replacing Twiiter's logo with Floki's was absolutely hilarious.
I don't understand why everyone has been bashing the poor guy since he has taken the hot seat at the Twitter's HQ! Come on, the guy has a good sense of humor, please let him live! Also, Twitter wasn't really doing that great before Elon took over. In fact, I think the company has gain more followers since he took over.
Well, it seems like he definitely takes the famous social media company as his personal playground. I mean focus on the blue tick debacle. He really had put Twitter's credibility in question!