If you are a marketer, who wants to learn the difference between affiliated and network marketing, there you are at the right place. Here is a quick overview on Affiliate marketing vs network marketing:
In affiliate marketing, you are essentially an independent contractor. You find products or services that you like and promote them to your audience. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. You don't have to invest any money upfront, and you can work from anywhere.
In network marketing, you are part of a team of distributors who sell the same products or services. You earn a commission on your own sales, as well as on the sales of the people you recruit. You may also have to invest some money upfront, such as to purchase inventory or marketing materials.
If you are wondering which is better, affiliate marketing or networking marketing, then all I can say is, the result depends on what you are looking for, as both the fields can be profitable and practical.