Does parameters of quality are important for the products?

Does parameters of quality are important for the products?

The response is a resounding "yes," because quality is not only about providing a product or service that exceeds the standard, but also about the reputation you earn from the consumer experience. Quality products help to sustain long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty and reduce the risk and expense of replacing faulty goods.

blog time 12:00 AM 31 Mar, 2021

4 Responses

Usama Waseem

Usama Waseem

blog time 01:55:pm 05 Jul, 2022

Product quality is essential because it affects the 
company's success and helps establish its reputation  
in customer markets. When companies can create high-quality  
products that continue to meet customer demands, it can lead  
to fewer production costs, higher investment returns, and increases  
in income.



blog time 01:23:pm 05 Jul, 2022


Because the quality of parameters confirms the functional features of the product such as 

1. Usability, 

2. Complementarity,

3. Reliability, 

4. Adaptation, 

5. Perceived quality,

6. Compliance with Standards, 

7. Performance,

8. Serviceability,

9. Features, 

10. Aesthetics,

11. Adaptation & 

12. Sustainability.

Hunain Khan

Hunain Khan

blog time 06:59:pm 04 Jul, 2022

yes afcourse

Sara Ali

Sara Ali

blog time 06:37:pm 27 Jun, 2022

Quality products help to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty and reduce the risk and cost of replacing faulty goods. Companies can build a reputation for quality by gaining accreditation with a recognized quality standard. 

Product quality is the single most important parameter for a product, brand, or organization. The quality determines the customer experience and repeats business. If the product quality is poor and the product is not able to do its job reliably and safely then the brand image suffers. 

The size characterizes the quality level of certain consumers and producing goods and processes leading to the production of a given good.
