Since the blessing month is here, so is the good things surrounding it. Recently a video went viral on TikTok, where you can see an Algerian Imam leading Ramadan prayers in Algeria. While leading the prayer, a cat entered the crowded mosque in Algeria, only to jump on the Imam’s shoulder. The reason the video has gained fame among the Muslim nation is that the Imam did not freak out or lost his concentration while reciting the prayers when the cat casually jumped and climbed on his shoulder. Another unique thing that the viewers noticed was, that the cat jumped right off his shoulder when it was the Imam’s time to bend and go in RUKU- an important part of the Islamic prayer. The Algerian Imam with the cat video has gained many views and applauses from the Imam from the Muslim world. How would you react if an animal interacts with you during your Salah?
Oh, man! I love that video. I am a cat person. I can't tell you how much it was soothing to see the Imam reacting kindly toward her. People can be very hateful toward cats. But in our religion, it is one of the most beloved animals for obvious reasons. First of all, they were the favorite pet of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH), second, they understand human emotions really well and lastly, they are extremely easy to tame. People are fools to think that Muslims want to hurt animals intentionally. We love and care for all living beings, even if it's a pig.
HA! that was an adorable video. Loved it. I heard the Imam got rewarded by the government, which is good as he deserved it. Over the time, there have been people cooking weird conspiracies against Islam but who cares ? Because the ALL MIGHTY, is watching and knows very well how to serve justice.
This video clip definitely showcased to the world how Muslims are kind to animals. A lot of my non-Muslim friends use to think that since PIG is haram we hate the animal and want to hurt it deliberately. But that is absolutely not the case! In fact, I came across a video of Mufti Menk where he explained these misconceptions, you can find it on YouTube.