Can I exchange the product I ordered if it does not meet my expectation?

Can I exchange the product I ordered if it does not meet my expectation?

Qasim Mushtaq

Yes, you can exchange the product under certain conditions, if it falls under our policies. Refer to the policy at the given link to know about this further.

blog time 12:00 AM 28 Sep, 2021

2 Responses

Salar Ahmed

Salar Ahmed

blog time 04:30:pm 04 Sep, 2023

I have shopped with Farosh and the exchange option went smoothly. Just make sure to make an unboxing video and complain within 7 days, when you receive the product. 

Faisal Sheikh

Faisal Sheikh

blog time 06:45:pm 25 Jul, 2022

Why Not! you also exchange the product under certain conditions & reasons, if it falls under our policies. you can further read the guidelines as below link:                                 WhatsApp 0309-4626750  
