Eid-ul-adha 2023 date in Pakistan has been announced and I couldn’t be any more excited! While eid-ul-fitr has its charm as you get eidi from loved ones and eat delicious meals. Eid-ul-adha is more than shopping for Pakistani Eid dresses and whatnot. The popular Eid, signifies the importance of animal sacrifice in Islam and teaches us that as muslims we should accept ALLAh’s orders without any question. I personally enjoy the butchering part and definitely the meatful feasts! Which is your favourite part when it comes to this festival and do you follow the eid-ul-adha sacrifice rules correctly ?
Oh what fun this eid was! And yes, butchering session is the definately the part I look forward to!
Finally! the best occasion of the year is here! Have a meaty eid everyone