Lets share some mind-boggling facts to each other.

Lets share some mind-boggling facts to each other.

Sharing mind-boggling facts are not only fun but educational too. It allows you to learn some of the most unique information in the world, that you won't look up for Google anyways. For the sake of starting a discussion, here is one amazing fact from my side:

A shrimp's heart is in it head


blog time 12:00 AM 18 May, 2021

8 Responses

Usama Waseem

Usama Waseem

blog time 02:45:pm 10 May, 2022

  • The deepest place on Earth is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. It is 11,034 meters deep. That's more than 11 kilometers!
  • The longest river in the world is the Nile River, with a length of 6,853 km. The water resources are also shared by 11 different countries.
  • Lobsters are not "biologically immortal," but they do produce an enzyme that repairs their cells and allows their DNA to replicate indefinitely. That's where the myth comes from.
  • The deepest freshwater lake in the world is Lake Baikal, located in Siberia. It dives to a depth of 1,620 meters. Woah!
  • Pineapple takes two years to grow.

Fahad Hussain

Fahad Hussain

blog time 01:57:pm 10 May, 2022

  • All share birthdays with at least 9 million people around the world. This is called the birthday paradox.
  • Einstein was never a good student. In fact, when he was 9 years old, his language was not so good, his parents considered him mentally retarded.
  • No one is unique because worldwide there are approximately 7,184 equal inhabitants on a physical level

Mahir Arzu

Mahir Arzu

blog time 02:10:pm 28 Apr, 2022

Do you know this?
Animal Facts: 
Male platypus has venom stimuli on their hind feet. It's not fatal to people, but it can cause a lot of pain and swelling! 
According to National Geographic, hippos do their own sun protection! Hippos produce "sweat" consisting of one red and one orange pigment...the red pigment contains antibiotics, while the orange absorbs UV light. 
Unlike most animals, koalas' fingerprints are nearly indistinguishable from humans. 
Nine-banded armadillos almost always give birth to four babies at once - identical quadruplets! 
A squirrel can survive a fall from any height! Don't believe it? It's simple physics. Unlike most mammals, squirrels can withstand the shock of a fall at their body speed limit—the fastest an object can reach when it falls.

Hunain Khan

Hunain Khan

blog time 02:00:pm 28 Apr, 2022

Warning signs before a heart attack 
The top cause of death worldwide is a type of cardiovascular disease. People don’t get enough sleep, work too hard, consume unhealthy meals, and don’t exercise enough, thus they’ve spread. Our bodies send us signals all the time that we aren’t aware of. We either overlook them or choose to ignore them. Heart disorders can show up in a variety of ways, and we’ve put together a list of the warning signals. If you are having any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps your body is attempting to alert you to the fact that you have a major cardiac problem.

  • Fatigue

It isn’t simply a case of not getting enough sleep. Fatigue can sometimes indicate a cardiac condition. The volume of blood in a person’s body is lowered when they have a cardiac arrest. This requires the heart to work harder, resulting in weariness throughout the day and night. Have you ever felt exhausted for no apparent reason? You should seek medical advice. Fatigue can be a symptom of a variety of disorders

  • Fainting

It is not typical to faint on a regular basis. You should contact a cardiologist if you find yourself fainting regularly. You should do it as quickly as possible because fainting might be a symptom of heart problems. Loss of consciousness can be caused by a variety of factors, including pain, dehydration, or excessive physical activity. A dip in blood pressure can produce fainting, which can lead to a decline in blood oxygen levels. You should visit a doctor if you are losing consciousness frequently.

  • Rapid Weight Gain

Anyone who has acquired a lot of weight recently should assess if it is due to overeating or a cardiac condition. One of the symptoms of heart disease is a fluid buildup in the body. You may have noticed some puffiness and flatulence but chalked it up to weight gain. Keep track of what you consume on a daily basis if this occurs. You’ll be able to tell if your weight gain is related to your diet or not in this manner.

  • Loss Of Appetite, Nausea

Other indicators that you may be at risk for heart disease include a loss of appetite, nausea, and indigestion. If you’re experiencing these symptoms for the first time, it’s advisable to keep an eye on them and seek medical help if necessary. Other disorders, such as gastritis, might also cause these symptoms, so the heart isn’t always to blame. Pregnancy might also be indicated by the signs and symptoms. The doctor has the most expertise.

  • Irregular Heartbeat

Palpitations can be brought on by a number of things. It could be a surge of adrenaline or a mood shift. If you realize that your heartbeat is erratic on a regular basis, you should get medical help right soon. Arrhythmia is the medical name for your heart beating in an irregular pattern. This is a major problem because an untreated arrhythmia can lead to a stroke. You should visit a doctor as soon as possible if you are having this symptom.

  • Persistent Cough

Although a persistent cough might be bothersome, many individuals overlook it. Did you know that coughing for a long time can be an indication of heart disease? When the heart struggles to get blood to the body, the lungs can be impacted, resulting in a persistent cough. If you have a cough, the color of your sputum is important to note. Pink and white sputum is a symptom that you should consult a doctor. If your cough gets worse when you lie down at night, it could be an indication of heart trouble.

  • Cold Sweats

Cold sweats could be a sign of something more serious. Sweating is the body’s normal method of temperature regulation. Sweating causes your heart to work harder and pump more blood. If you’re experiencing cold sweats, see a doctor. In addition to being a marker of heart illness, cold sweats can be a symptom of an infection, neurological disease, or malignancy. Seeing a doctor can help you figure out how to deal with your cold sweats, whether they’re caused by medicine or stress.

  • Swollen Legs

Swollen legs are frequent, especially in the summer, and can be unpleasant and bothersome. Swelling in the legs on a regular basis could indicate heart problems. Edema is caused by fluid retention, and the legs and feet are the most afflicted regions of the body since they are so far away from the heart. You should visit a doctor as soon as possible if the swelling does not go away or worsens.

  • Sleeping Disorder

Most of the sleep disturbances are curable and have no negative consequences. It’s possible, though, that the sleep disorder is caused by a cardiac condition. As a result, insomnia should be taken seriously because it can lead to a variety of health problems. Those who have trouble falling or staying asleep should consult a physician. It’s possible that a person’s difficulty breathing when sleeping is due to fluid in their lungs. Chest discomfort is a common cause of palpitations.

  • Gum Inflammation

Gingivitis is normally not a cause for concern, but if the discomfort in your mouth becomes unbearable, you should seek treatment from a dentist. A cardiac condition could be causing discomfort. It all begins with a painful palate, which indicates the presence of germs in the circulation. This causes blood clots to develop. Many people aren’t aware that dental and cardiovascular health are often linked. It’s vital to have your teeth evaluated on a regular basis because oral health impacts your entire body.

  • Snoring

Most of the time, you aren’t even conscious that you are snoring, and it is only others that notice. Snoring is known medically as sleep apnea, and it’s growing more common. The heart pauses beating for a brief while before resuming its usual rhythm. It’s vital to stay attentive because those who are impacted rarely notice anything. It’s a good idea to consult a physician. If a heart disease is found early enough, it can be treated.

  • Pain In The Arms And Upper Body

Most individuals believe that tension causes pain in the arms and upper body. On the other side, pain could signify a heart attack. Depending on the affected location, the pain can radiate to the left or right. It can also affect the right arm on occasion. Some persons who have suffered a heart attack have complained of pain in their mouth and back. Unfortunately, interpreting the signs of a heart attack in a woman is more difficult than reading the symptoms in a man.

  • Shortness Of Breath

Obesity is frequently linked to shortness of breath. You could be experiencing a panic attack or having a heart attack if you’re short of breath despite not doing anything rigorous. When the airways do not act in harmony with the cardiovascular system, it is an indication of approaching or present heart disease. Due to a lack of air in the lungs, breathing is difficult in this situation.

  • Chest Pain

Heart pain is a common symptom of a heart attack or heart disease. Proceed with extreme caution if you’re in discomfort or having problems breathing. You should go to the emergency hospital straight away if the pain comes on suddenly and without warning. There are distinct aches and pains. It could be a tightness or a burning sensation. If the symptoms start while you’re resting and linger for a few minutes, it’s conceivable you’re suffering a heart attack. It is vital to get medical assistance as soon as possible.

  • Open Wounds

Because open wounds can quickly get infected, they should be treated as soon as possible. If the ulcers or wounds are difficult to cure or do not heal on their own, extra caution should be exercised. This could be due to aortoiliac disease or aorta obstruction. This disorder can cause ischemia or a reduction in the delivery of blood and oxygen to tissues. This can lead to tissue death or, in the worst-case scenario, amputation of a limb.

  • Toe Pain

Toe pain might look harmless at first glance, but it is not. Resting toe pain that isn’t caused by tight shoes could be a sign of a dangerous disorder called aortoiliac occlusive disease. You should consult a doctor to rule out a cardiac condition. The sooner a major sickness is treated, the better the odds of a positive outcome.

  • No Growth Of Hair On Legs

The poor hair growth or the absence of hair on the legs are signs of peripheral arterial disease. This cardiovascular illness causes plaque to build up in the arteries, resulting in restricted blood flow to the legs and feet. According to the McLeod Health Service in South Carolina, hair loss on the legs is a symptom of this condition. If your hair starts to fall out suddenly, you should see a doctor to rule out heart trouble.

  • Forgetfulness And Confusion

Forgetfulness and confusion can be caused by a variety of circumstances. Variations in sodium levels in the body can be triggered by changes in blood levels of certain substances, according to the American Heart Association. This might cause confusion and memory loss. Malnutrition, a deficiency in vitamins and minerals, and tiredness are all factors that can contribute to the condition. It’s best to visit a doctor to have the appropriate testing and rule out heart problems.

Hunain Khan

Hunain Khan

blog time 03:24:pm 26 Apr, 2022

Interesting fact about life!

  1. Intelligent people underestimate themselves
  2. Ignorant people think they are brilliant

Aazal Chaudhari

Aazal Chaudhari

blog time 12:50:pm 26 Apr, 2022

Do you know that today Tesla CEO Elon Musk buys Twitter for USD 44 billion with plans of ‘free speech’

Ch Javed

Ch Javed

blog time 01:35:pm 25 Apr, 2022

Do you know that Vatican City is the smallest country in the world? But it is 18th in number according to the wealth all over the world. Its estimated GDP per capita is $21,198.



blog time 01:25:pm 25 Apr, 2022

I think most of us are unaware of the fact that the grapes turn into plasma in a microwave oven. The reason for that is the grapes concentrate the microwave to a very shorter wavelength which results in plasma.
