So, when I was in Dubai a few years back, I wanted to see live penguins in Dubai at the Mall of Emirates. I have been their fan since the movie Popper's Penguin came out. After watching the famous penguin movie, I was obsessed with collecting information about them, such as where do penguins live. Anyways, I finally got the Penguin tickets and what started was an experience I can never forget. We had a guide who gave us a brief introduction to the adorable bird's behavior and how we should act around them. Since they live in Antarctica where it is super quiet, penguins are sensitive to loud noises. So he guided us to not make any sudden or loud noise as it will startle them, leading them to attack. As I entered the coldest part of Dubai Ski, I saw the line of young penguins toddling behind their caretaker. Soon, another caretaker came out with 2 young ones and a bucket of fish to feed them as a treat. The photographer started asking each one of us to sit at the photo spot and pose for a picture with the penguins. While I was sitting down, I started wondering how will they manage to get penguins to pose proficiently. But I was worried for nothing. The moment I sat on the spot, the caretaker told the cutie pies “ Come on, time for a Photo” and they simply waddled up to me and gave a pose that would give Tom Cruise a run for his money. I was so surprised how could they understand her so well. We took three shots and after each shot, they would toddle away but then at the sound of their caretaker, come back at the SAME SPOT and pose like a diva. I was too amazed to speak and overwhelmed because they were extremely adorable. Then they bought out the Emperor penguin and his Queen, this is where it was a sensitive time as I had to kiss them extremely gently. I couldn’t kiss them as the pressure of being quiet was enormous but I did pat them on the back. Overall it was a memorable experience, I thought I should share it with my online community. Have you ever met an animal that is as unique as a PENGUIN?
I don't get it! Is it only me who doesn't like to play around with animals? Sorry to say, but I am not really an animal lover. It's nice to see them from far away but the minute they get closer, I run for my life. It is what it is. Don't hate me.
That's adorable, I didn't exactly encounter something like this but I love exploring different animals and interacting with them. I am a animal lover for sure. Thank you for sharing such beautiful experience with us. Penguins are one of the most calmest flightless birds and extremely loving.
That is an absolutely cute story! Unfortunately I don't have a cute anecdote to share but I am definitely trying this out when I visit Dubai next time! Didn't knew they have this in Mall of the Emirates.