I don’t know about you guys but I am baffled by the story of Seema Haider. Come to think of it, how a woman is strong enough to cross the deadly borders along with her not one but 4 kids ? Just because she fell in love with a guy on PUB G ? Seriously? Who does that? And now that she is in India, she conveniently converted to Hinduism. When asked by a reporter, if she knows any Islamic duas or surahs, the woman has no answer. I am sorry but wasn’t she a Muslim before reverting to Hinduism? This Seema Haider story is very suspicious. I am thinking may be she is a spy from the neighbouring country. What do you guys think? And yes, I feel bad about Seem Haider husband who was committed to her.
This whole episode is super fishy. We really cant guarantee anything about anyone these days.
Definately a spy. Can some one explain me how can she speak fluent hindi in just some weeks????