As a practicing Muslim, I am genuinely scared of where the world is heading to. In 2023, a lot of unique things took place. Some were best and some were shocking. But little did we know that the challenging one is yet to take place. As I write this, in India LGQBT community is growing stronger by every minute. They have grown so much powerful that in the present time, a Same-sex marriage case has been presented in India’s supreme court to gain legal approval. Meaning, the community is seeking paralegals to allow same-sex marriage in India. The thing is, I am a Pakistani so why should I care? Well, the reason I care greatly about the Supreme Court ruling on Same-sex marriage is that whatever happens in India, it will definitely influence Pakistan. Sadly, despite having our own identity for more than 70 years we still follow the norms of the culture of our neighboring country. It is nothing wrong in getting inspired but under the veil of inspiration, we tend to pick up toxic things. The scary part is, if India gains approval for such marriages, Pakistan will soon follow in its footsteps. Despite being a Muslim country, Pakistan might lose its values, religions, culture, and everything in between. What do you think? Am I over thinking this? Does Pakistan have an individual identity and the ability to stop the growth of LGBQT in the country?
I wish i could add anything here. But honestly I don't have words. After Imran Khan's arrest episode, I would say anything can happen in our country.
Pakistan and stop the growth of LGBQT ? What a joke ! I don't mean to defame my country but I know the people. Before such things legalize in India, such acts has been taking place in our country since quiet some time now. The only difference is people has been doing it secretly and with such things getting an approval in India, definitely indicates that such acts will be done out in the open!
I am appalled! How could they ? This whole thing is not only going against religion but the natural human behavior. And Yes, such decisions will impact Pakistan greatly because FOR SOME REASON, our people love finding inspiration across the border, even if its a negative one.