Unfortunately, the e-commerce market in Pakistan has seen a drop in transactions during the first half of 2023. This is due to a number of factors including government regulations, lack of consumer trust, and inadequate infrastructure. The future of e-commerce in Pakistan is uncertain as the current issues are preventing its growth. Consumers are still wary of online shopping due to security concerns, and businesses struggle with the lack of an efficient payment gateway system. Furthermore, government regulations have made it difficult for businesses to operate freely in this sector. It is essential that these current issues of e-commerce in Pakistan, are addressed if we want to see growth. With proper measures taken by both public and private sectors, we can ensure that e-commerce transactions increase during the second half of 2023 and beyond.
Other countries' ecommerce is thriving and Pakistan is failing in this sector too. What a nightmare!
With political unrest in the country, this was expected to happen! I am not surprised