There are many things happening in the world. The whole world is suffering from the Covid Pandemic. We can consider ourselves very lucky because till now we are surviving from this. But I think everything in the world has two sides a positive and a negative we are just looking at the negative impact of covid on our society but this question is just to consider and write some positive impact of Covid and Lockdown on society.
Positive impacts of COVID-19: commitment to the SDGs grows
50% of large companies consider it urgent to promote social responsibility after COVID-19, according to the report of the survey carried out by Impact Hub Madrid on the consequences of the impact of COVID-19 on the business ecosystem, in which more participated 200 CEOs or senior managers of large companies, SMEs, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and NGOs.
Impact Hub Madrid has surveyed a total of 219 companies during the month of May in order to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on their business models and identify their new needs. The survey has been carried out to companies of different sizes, from micro-companies or startups to large organizations, and 18 economic activities are represented among which the participation of the communication, education, entrepreneurship, innovation, and large consulting segments stands out.
Although the negative impacts of the crisis generated by the coronavirus are visible, there are also positive ones. The results of the survey show that the labor transformation that COVID-19 has brought with it not only has to do with the forms of work or organizational changes but also with the purpose of the same and the importance of a business having a positive impact on society and the environment. Thus, 43% of those surveyed consider that corporate social responsibility and sustainability policies have become an urgent issue and 42% will adopt measures related to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Some data support that COVID-19 has also played an important role in promoting business ethics towards an economy of impact in which not only the economic growth of the business prevails but also its relationship and its contribution to the environment in the one that develops. The crisis has highlighted the importance of brands representing social values and not just products or services. While 50% of large companies identify greater urgency in working on social responsibility in their business models; Small and medium-sized companies highlight the importance of being part of a community or feeling identified with a network to face a crisis like this positively.
The results reveal that 25.6% see the continuity of their activities in danger, while approximately 70% of the participating companies are confident in recovering their business and rate the impact of the crisis as medium (39.3%), low (25.6%), or minimum (2.7%). 4.6% indicate that the crisis has boosted their activity. Small and medium-sized companies are the ones that have suffered the most losses in their turnover.
New needs for recovery
Although there is still considerable uncertainty about the future, it is clearly identified that the impact of COVID-19 has made measures to maintain activity a priority, such as the promotion of innovation, the development of team skills, and the improvement of productivity. Regardless of the size of the company, the identification of new business opportunities (74%) and the promotion of sales (51%) are indicated as priority needs. 33% of large companies with more than 250 employees have recognized the need to advance in the digital transformation of their businesses.
Regarding the recovery time of the companies and taking into account that the survey was carried out at the end of Phase 0, the outlook was still uncertain for many of them. Almost 55% estimate that it will take between 3 and 9 months to recover, although 30% still do not know it or project a recovery horizon greater than 9 months. Medium-sized companies are those that estimate that it will take the longest time to recover. Companies with fewer than 10 employees are more resilient: 16% believe they will recover in 2-3 months, compared to 3% of companies with more than 100 employees.
New ways of working
If there is something unquestionable in this new situation, it is that teleworking has come to stay. 80% of the participating companies will adopt hybrid work models in which the use of the office, teleworking, and co-working coexist. For 90% of companies, flexibility in the configuration of workspaces and meetings will be the key in the new workplace reality. A community is, by definition, a group of people linked by common interests, and Impact Hub Madrid represents one of the most important support communities for innovation and social impact in the world. That is why it has wanted to analyze in-depth what has been the impact of COVID-19 in companies of different economic activities, in order to collect all possible information to identify common needs, evaluate new trends and offer the necessary tools to companies to identify the changes and opportunities that may arise from this new situation.
The three positive consequences of the Covid-19 crisis
Michael Page has prepared an X-ray of the impact that the Covid-19 crisis has had on the workplace and the future of work, based on the perception of European employees.
Among the most important conclusions, three positive aspects that have resulted from this pandemic stand out:
In the first place, the expectation that companies implement flexible work policies in the future stands out (75.5%).
The second most prominent aspect is the recognition of certain roles that previously did not have the same prominence as now (62.9%), such as those related to the health, retail, education, and logistics sectors, among others.
Finally, they highlight sustainability, since 46.3% of those surveyed consider that in recent months environmental awareness has increased, increasing responsible and local consumption of goods and products.
Work commitment stays alive
Employees ensure that their motivation (51.4%), job satisfaction (48.9%), and productivity (45.3%) have remained stable during the months of teleworking. In fact, 53.7% affirm that they feel as involved with their company as when they went to the office every day.
On the future of work, European employees are betting on a flexible model that combines the possibility of going to the office and working from home. The results demonstrate this since 61.6% contemplate teleworking in the future. However, if we stop at the proportion, 41.1% indicate that they would work remotely two days a week, 33% three days, 18.2% four days, and only 7.7% would do it every day.
“We are at an inflection point where many companies are evaluating their plans for the coming months. But to develop an effective strategy, it is necessary to know what the workers think and how they have evolved professionally during these months of work at home ”, assures Jaime Asnai González, Managing Director of PageGroup Spain. "Knowing the perception of employees is key to moving towards a working model that adapts to business needs, maintaining the commitment and job satisfaction of all workers," he adds.
It is possible to highlight some positive effects of the pandemic in cities. Regarding mobility, despite the above, we must celebrate the increase in active mobility, that is, pedestrian and cyclist mobility.
The same data from Madrid cited previously, show an increase in the use of the public bicycle system (BiciMAD) of up to 14%, currently being 10% higher than last year on the same date. In addition, other cities are promoting cycling plans that seek to transcend the duration of the pandemic.
We must also underline that different cities are betting on promoting the compact city, such as Paris, with its commitment to the city of 15 minutes. This is not a new idea (the role of proximity in urban sustainability has been defended for decades), but well-promoted under that slogan.
Finally, we can also highlight a novel process of degentrification of the center of some cities. Due to tourist pressure among other causes, gentrification processes had ended up expelling local residents from city centers such as Madrid or Barcelona. Now, they are being unexpectedly reversed.
Without wishing to celebrate the decline in tourism in general, this phenomenon in the tourist centers of cities has led to the return to the residential rental of a significant amount of tourist housing. This has caused an increase in the supply of rental housing, up to more than double in the case of Madrid, and a fall in the sale price, as shown by Idealista data.
As a living organism, cities will adapt quickly to the changes caused by this pandemic. In this adaptation, the role of institutions and citizens within this complex system is decisive. From the sum of the decisions that each one of us make, a city model or another will emerge, to a large extent.
1. Less pollution
As countries go into quarantine for the virus, significant drops in contamination levels are being recorded.
Both China and northern Italy showed major crashes in levels of nitrogen dioxide, a toxic gas that severely pollutes the air, amid reduced industrial activity and fewer car trips.
Researchers in New York also told the BBC that, according to preliminary results, carbon monoxide - mainly produced by cars - was reduced by almost 50% compared to last year in that American city.
And with airlines canceling flights in droves and millions of people working from home, the trend is expected to follow this downward path.
2. Transparent channels
In a similar case, residents of Venice, Italy, noticed a vast improvement in the water quality of the famous canals that run through the city.
The channels of the popular tourist destination in northern Italy are empty in the middle of the outbreak, which has allowed sediment to accumulate at the bottom of the channels.
The generally cloudy water has become so clear that you can even see fish.
3. Acts of kindness
There are many stories of rampant shopping and fights over toilet paper and cans circulating, but the virus has also spurred acts of kindness around the world.
• "They are not invincible": the message of the WHO to young people by the coronavirus
Two New Yorkers gathered 1,300 volunteers in 72 hours to deliver food and medicine to elderly and vulnerable people in the city.
Facebook said hundreds of thousands of people in the UK joined local support groups set up to fight the virus, while similar groups were formed in Canada.
Supermarkets in various corners of the globe, from Argentina to Australia, have created a special "old age hour" so that older consumers and people with disabilities have the opportunity to shop in peace.
Many people also donated money, shared recipes and exercise ideas, sent encouraging messages to self-isolating seniors, and turned businesses into food distribution centers.
4. A united front
Between hectic work and home life, it's often easy to feel disconnected from those around you.
But since the virus affects us all, this has brought many communities around the world together.
• Italy reaches a new record by registering 627 deaths from coronavirus in one day
In Italy, where there is a total quarantine in the country, people went out to their balconies to sing songs that lift the spirit.A gym teacher in southern Spain led an exercise class from a low ceiling in the middle of an apartment complex that isolated residents joined from their balconies.
• The nurse in Italy who records the coronavirus crisis in a hospital with his camera
Many people have taken the opportunity to reconnect with friends and loved ones over the phone or video calls, while groups of friends have organized virtual club or bar sessions using mobile apps (including us at the BBC who are working from home).
The virus has also highlighted the importance of healthcare personnel and others who perform key services.
Thousands of Europeans came out to their balconies and windows to applaud the doctors and nurses fighting the virus, a postcard that was repeated in some cities in Latin America.
Also, London medical students have volunteered to help healthcare professionals with childcare and housework.
• What are coronaviruses, how many are there, and what effects do they have on humans?
5. A boom in creativity
While millions of people are isolated, many are taking the opportunity to be creative.
Social media users have shared details of their new hobbies, such as reading, baking, knitting, and painting.
The Washington DC Public Library offers a virtual reading club, while Michelin-starred Italian chef Massimo Bottura launched an Instagram series called Kitchen Quarantine in which he teaches basic recipes for those stuck at home.
An art teacher in the US state of Tennessee shared live classes for out-of-school kids, inspiring them to be creative at home.
And while many public spaces are closed, art fans have made the most of the virtual tours offered by the world's largest galleries, viewing the famous Louvre paintings in Paris and the classic sculptures of the Vatican museum from their living rooms in their home.
The Sydney Observatory in Australia offered an evening sky tour for people trapped at home.
And pop stars, including Coldplay frontman Chris Martin; country singer Keith Urban; and Argentine musician Fito Páez, to name a few, also presented live concerts to combat the boredom of self-isolation.
• The concerts and museum exhibitions that you can see for free online to make the coronavirus quarantine easier
Positive effects derived from the corona crisis
The physiotherapist must not 'touch' 99% of his clients due to the risk of infection with corona. But clients still need treatment. So what does the physiotherapist do?
The Corona crisis has changed the working methods of many companies, municipalities, regions, clinicians, and others. And at the same time, the crisis has created a need to be able to provide services in a new way.
A number of people from the Danish health system come with their story about how the crisis has changed their daily lives - and provided new opportunities. Here are the 5 questions they should answer:
1. How has the corona crisis changed workflows (for you / your customers / etc.) and thus created a need to deliver the services in a new way?
2. What is the need and consequent benefit?
3. How is it solved / thought to be solved?
4. Are there any special requirements in relation to companies / solutions and in relation to organizations/employees.
5. Are there any special needs in relation to delivery readiness, business model, leasing / renting, etc?
The participants have the answers (themselves) recorded via their phones and sent to us. Addifab specializes in molds for 3D printing. The company, in collaboration with Hillerød Hospital, has started printing parts for protective equipment against corona infection - and it has received inquiries from all over the world. The therapists will do virtual rehabilitation. Doctors will hold on-screen consultations. And the citizens will maintain contact with the relatives at the care centers.- Therefore, there is a need for an ultra simple solution, explains Christina Bomholt Rasmussen, a welfare technology consultant in Assens Municipality.
Previously, the medical center Ferritslev had 120 people through the house in one day - now the door is completely closed.
Doctor Michael Hejmadi-Pedersen talks here about rapid change - and not least about the PLO's quick work in converting the doctors' remuneration system into virtual consultations.