How often should we change the surgical mask?

How often should we change the surgical mask?

 Due to Outbreak of Corona Virus mask as a minimum at all times when operating near confirmed or suspected coronaviral patients.

Usually, these kinds of masks are not reusable and can only be used for one day at a time of 8–10 hours.

blog time 12:00 AM 22 Apr, 2021

3 Responses

Ch Javed

Ch Javed

blog time 12:53:pm 22 Apr, 2021

The purpose of wearing surgical masks is on the one hand to prevent the surgical team's oral throat flora from entering the wound during the operation and, on the other hand, to protect the surgery team against splashes of blood and body fluids.
The usefulness of a mask for the prevention of postoperative wound infections (SSI) has been questioned by certain researchers, but the Infection Prevention Working Group (Netherlands) is of the opinion that the available research does not permit the conclusion that wearing a mouth and nose mask for prevention of wound infection is meaningless.
The Superior Health Council also recommends wearing a surgical mask in the operating theater in the critical zone of activity, by both the surgery team and the circulating staff. The critical zone inactivity is described as:
- the instruments are laid out on the tables;
- one of the operators has finished sterile preparation;
- the operating field is ready.


Amjad Ali

Amjad Ali

blog time 12:47:pm 22 Apr, 2021

Of course, mouth and nose masks only have the desired effect when used correctly. Obviously, the mask must fit properly. You must apply the mask before entering the room where the infected patient is. Replace the mask on time, the WIP guideline advises to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. You should replace the mask sooner if breathing becomes difficult or if the mask becomes damp. You may not wear a mask around your neck and use it again afterwards; inside and outside can get contaminated when re-erecting. Apply hand hygiene immediately after removing the mask.


A mouth-nose mask with a valve provides less protection than a mask without a valve. However, a mask with a valve is more comfortable if you have to wear it for a longer period of time.


Aazal Chaudhari

Aazal Chaudhari

blog time 12:42:pm 22 Apr, 2021

You can wear a surgical mouth and nose mask or respiratory protection mask for a maximum of 3 hours. If you notice that breathing is getting harder, you can change the mask sooner. You also replace the mask if the mask feels wet, if it is damaged or if you eat or drink something in between.
