Yes, As per current situation people are not going out for shopping not even shopping they aren’t going to buy for daily requirements.
Everyone’s life has already been greatly changed by the Coronavirus and due to lockdown many sectors are closed and people shift towards online purchasing, to avoid public places
Our goal is to help our Customers, especially during these challenging times to meet their requirements
So Keep supporting Farosh
StayHome Stay safe
Also, increase but the current time some symptoms are available in our country but if we talk about the ratio of online shopping during a pandemic is also up because this is only one option in a pandemic situation so also buy in a covid situation every month online shopping and experience is very well in farosh, I think this is a realistic foam.
E-commerce platforms and the digital economy boomed during
the pandemic 19-20 situation. As people embraced social
distancing, they turned to online shopping more than ever
before, 68%of consumers analysis reported they shops differently
now due to COVID 19, embracing emerging technologies and
connections with shoppers, or made their buyers or purchaser,
experience more relaxing.
The pandemic situation is very tuff for all our you but,
According to the recent 2020 ARTS release,
e-commerce sales increased by $244.2 billion
or 43% in 2020, the first year of the pandemic,
rising from $571.2 billion in 2019 to $815.4
billion in 2020.