Where I can find best surgical face mask in Pakistan ?

Where I can find best surgical face mask in Pakistan ?

Yes, Farosh has best surgical Face masks as you can visit our stay healthy deals from our website where you can find face masks and gloves also.
Stay Home Stay Safe we will delivery at your Door step.

blog time 12:00 AM 25 Apr, 2021

3 Responses

Ahmed Mustaqeem

Ahmed Mustaqeem

blog time 06:04:pm 18 Jul, 2022

this is the best quality mask I buy,

Mahir Arzu

Mahir Arzu

blog time 06:00:pm 18 Jul, 2022

farosh has also provided high-quality 3 plies with filter protection masks at an affordable price.

Fahad Hussain

Fahad Hussain

blog time 12:00:am 25 Jun, 2021

I agreed with @Alishba Ejaz Good quality masks
