Are all products at Farosh genuine?

Are all products at Farosh genuine?

Qasim Mushtaq

Farosh only offers 100 percent genuine and original products. Our strict “No replica” policy refrains the sellers from listing or selling any non-genuine products using Farosh platform.

blog time 12:00 AM 28 Sep, 2021

5 Responses



blog time 01:58:pm 14 Jul, 2022

Products are based on quality and quantity so, if you buy online products you are more focused 
on the quality matters like realistic, genuine, quality-approved standards. So my personal experience  
at farosh is more focused on the quality of products and it's all products are 100 % genuine and real as they show in pics. 

Ch Javed

Ch Javed

blog time 01:53:pm 14 Jul, 2022

Yes, farosh provides genuine,100% real, brand new quality 20000+products at a discounted% rate farosh all products are realistic and genuine within 7 days return policy.

Faisal Sheikh

Faisal Sheikh

blog time 01:50:pm 14 Jul, 2022



Usama Waseem

Usama Waseem

blog time 06:28:pm 06 Jul, 2022

Farosh provides 100% real brand new genuine products for our Users.

Fahad Hussain

Fahad Hussain

blog time 12:00:am 25 Jun, 2021

Yes bro there product are genuine
