Since past few weeks, I am not able to sleep peacefully at night and has less interest in activities I once use to enjoy. Oddly, I have been getting angery easily although, which is strange as I am a very happy-go-lucky kind of person. I consulted my personal doctor, and he suggested this might be a case of depression. He has asked me to closely monitor myself for few days and notice if I have lower appetite compared to usually what it is. My only concern here is, if it is depression then how to deal with depression in Islam ? As I don't want to get use to anti-depressants. I want to treat this in natural manner.
I have heard, taking mood enhancers can really remove depression but I am not so sure. As far as Islam is concerned, apart from listening to recommended Surahs above, recitation of Quran also helps in a huge way. Try to pray regularly and recite at least one page after every fardh namaz, you will definitely see the difference.
It is quiet sad to hear what you are going through. I went through depression when Covid happened and let me give a clear answer to the most asked question " is depression a disease" Yes, it is. But it has a cure and it certainly doesn't meant a person is crazy. I appreciate how you are depending on Islamic treatment rather than depending on the modern medicines. But here is another important thing, try to spend quality of time with your friends and family too. Although, depression is a mental illness, its treatment is more efficient when done with love and care. No doubt, Surah Ad Duha works wonders, as It played a major role in my recovery but I feel while fighting with the illness, you need people around who love you genuinely.
Depression can be brutal but as said above, it is treatable, you can relax. If I may ask, are you going through some personal trauma ? As such things can trigger depression too. Whatever you are going through, know it is not important more than your mental health. It is has to be your top priority, and your doctor is right, the things you mentioned are clearly depression symptoms. I would suggest you should not delay further and get the accurate treatment. In Pakistan people often choose to ignore the existence of depression, which is frustrating. It is a growing disease in the country and needs to be spoken about and tackled in the right way.
First of all, depression is really a sensitive subject. I won't recommend seeking any advice in the online community as people tend to post cliche comments such as " is depression a mental illness". With that said, according to what you are sharing, it seems like your doctor is right. But it is curable and if you want to do it in an Islamic way then I would suggest you listen to Surah Ad Duha as it is popularly known to treat anxiety and depression in particular. You can also listen to Surah Rahman as it really provides peace to a restless heart. Get well soon.