Lack of motivation is a sign of depression, but it may be triggered by something else. For example, if you have difficulty dealing with a problem in your life or experience something that affects your self-confidence, you might lose motivation.
Share your feeling with your trustwrothy person and talk with him. Set small, manageable targets. As you meet these goals, you can start adding more to them until you finally achieve all of your goals that can boosting your Motivation when you’re Depressed.
When living with depression, negative thoughts and emotions can already have you feeling detached from life in general, with getting out of bed to go to work being a major accomplishment in itself, so on top of that, trying to stay motivated at work can make your job feel almost unbearable and challenging, even when you are at your best.
Depression not only reduces your capacity for dealing with everything, especially stressors but also reduces your motivation, making it more challenging to get started on something you need to do. You didn’t choose to feel depressed, and co-workers may not understand why you can’t do something to “feel better.”
However, there are ways to manage feelings of depression, even when negative thoughts bear down on you, this includes:
Here are some tips:
Most people want to change at least one thing in their life. But it can be challenging to find the motivation just to make a start. It helps to understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get motivated.
Motivation is the drive to achieve your goals or needs. It is influenced by:
Motivation is important because it: