Hello everyone, I have recently diagnosed with Diabetes and according to my Doctor, I can fast but with certain limitations. I was wondering if it is risk-free to fast while suffering from diabetes? Can any one of you share Ramadan tips for Diabetes ?
I hope you find ease around this. Diabetes can be really tricky. So, I would suggest not to push yourself. Allah knows best what you are going through and that is why HE has made it optional for those who has medical condition. So, go easy on yourself and give Fidya.
Seeking a medical advice on an online forum is not ideal in any way. Please consult your doctor and if you have a doubt then take a second opinion from another professional. Following the Ramadan guidelines can be tricky for a diabetic patient. It is not easy as it seems. Plus, you can pay fidya and Allah knows your intention.
it is sad, that you are diagnosed with Diabetes. You definitely should consult a medical professional for this. However, even my mother is also diabetic but she fasts. She has made necessary insulin adjustment in Ramadan so it doesn't affect her in a negative way. But then again, this can vary from person to person and the severity of the disease.
ooh that is bad to hear. Well this depends on the intensity of your disease. If its not severe then you might fast as long as you consume diabetes medication during Ramadan. Has the doctor put you on Insulin ? Also, it is wiser to discuss this further with your doctor. May be get a second opinion.