Best sunblock to protect our skin from sun exposure?

Best sunblock to protect our skin from sun exposure?

To best protect your skin from sun exposure, all of the experts spoke with recommend using broad-spectrum sunscreens in either chemical or mineral formulations because they protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Even if you are not going outside much these days, experts say it's also good to wear sunscreen indoors because harmful rays can penetrate windows. A few evidence, suggests blue-light from computer and smartphone screens can damage the skin. I prefer Rivaj's sunblock because: 

  1. It is water-resistant.
  2. Multifunctional.
  3. Protect skin from UVA and UVB rays.
  4. Express natural skin tone.
  5. Anti-Dark Spots.
  6. Anti-Darkening.
blog time 12:00 AM 30 Sep, 2021

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