Best Homemade Facial for Summer ?

Best Homemade Facial for Summer ?

Best Homemade Facial for Summer Special

Step 1: Cleaner 
Take 1\2 orange and rub it on your face. It removes dirt, dust and grease easily.
Step 2: Scrub 
Scrub your face with a mix of oatemal and Yogurt. It removes dead skin cells.
Step 3: Massage 
Massage your face with raw milk for 7 minutes and wash.
Step 4: Face Mask
Apply a mix of honey and banana as a face mask and wash after 15 minutes

blog time 12:00 AM 19 Jun, 2021

3 Responses

Usra Riaz

Usra Riaz

blog time 04:43:pm 19 Oct, 2022

Papaya and Banana Face Pack

    =>Papaya and banana are great foods when it comes to taking care of your skin (6), (7)

Mash some papaya and banana and mix together 
Now add in some honey to the above ingredients 
Mix everything well to get a smooth paste 
Apply to your face and leave on till it dries 
Wash off with regular water 

Oats and Almonds Face Pack 

   =>Oats come to the rescue for combination skin too. 

Soak 10 almonds in water and let them stay soaked overnight 
The next morning, grind these into a paste. 
Add 1 tbsp of oats, 1 tsp of honey, and yogurt as required 
Mix well to get a smooth paste. 
Apply this on the face and keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes 
Wash off with regular water

Sara Ali

Sara Ali

blog time 04:35:pm 19 Oct, 2022

I am a Teaching Assistant and working in this field for 5+ years Alhamdullaha I made a Homemade facial serum that shares the ingredients this is a very beneficial and natural health care formula it does not have any drawbacks. And I also used it for 2+ years & also share with many of my colleagues that is beneficial.


Dream DIY face mask! 
1 tbsp oat powder 
4 tbsps chamomile powder 
4 tbsps kaolin clay 
1 tbsp turmeric powder 
1 tbsp of full-fat plain yogurt 
1 tbsp of raw, unfiltered honey 


Step 1: Mix all the ingredients in a blender. 

Step2: Store mixture in a labelled and dated jar. 

Step 3: When ready to use, scoop one spoonful of the mixture into a small bowl and activate it with 1 tbsp of full-fat plain yoghurt and 1 tbsp of raw, unfiltered honey. Stir the mixture until it reaches a creamy texture. 

Step 4: Allow the mask to sit for a few minutes so that the ingredients can activate and release nutrients. If the mixture gets too thick, add a few drops of water at a time. 

Step 5: Allow the mask to sit on your face for at least 15 minutes. 

Step 6: Wash off with a soft cloth and warm water.

Hunain Khan

Hunain Khan

blog time 04:19:pm 19 Oct, 2022

These are the best diet or skincare products or mashups serum you also use in your daily life.

1. Sandalwood face pack for fair skin 
2. Lemon Juice and Cucumber cooling pack 
3. Honey and lime juice anti-tan face pack 
4. Oatmeal and Yoghurt facial pack 
5. Rice Flour and curd for blackheads and whiteheads 
6. Almond powder and honey pack for tan 
7. Tomato mask for oily skin 
8. Neem, Tulsi, and yogurt pack for pimples 
9. Potato summer facial for marks 
10. Sapota and milk summer pack for combination skin 
11. Wheat bran and honey face pack  
12. Marigold summer face pack for glow 
13. Soothing summer face pack with aloe vera gel 
14. Honey Cinnamon summer mask for whiteheads and blackheads 
15. Ginger juice face pack for marks
