If you're new to vlogging, you 're curious to know why a tripod is needed. I 'm sure you've seen a lot of vloggers use one to hold the cellphone but why do they do that?
There are two main reasons for that:
1. Stability:
2. Possible to use focus zoom lenses
Farosh.pk Providing you the best tripod to make your blogging and Vlogging with more professional way
So what you waiting for Grab it Now
Blogging is the foam where you can share
your thoughts/ideas in the world. The blog is
something in which you can share your thoughts
on a particular website that contains topics,
stories, and any other handwritten elements.
V logging:
on the other hand, a vlog is similar to a
blog but it contains video content. And the
the aim behind this is also the same. The purpose
of making a vlog is also the same but in the
upcoming future, these video blogs are going
to be very popular.
Mostly the audience likes to watch video content
nowadays apart from written content or blogs.
Here you need videography equipment, laptops or
some other accessory, you can become a vlogger
by publishing video content on various platforms
and other platforms.
Vlogging also means that you can share the same
information strategic experience, knowledge, etc
but differently.
Choose a topic.
Name your domain.
Choose a blogging platform.
Choose your hosting and theme.
Plan and write content.
these steps to follow write blog.
V logging
Decide on the goal of your vlog.
Determine your main topic.
Learn video editing.
Create your page on a video-sharing platform.
Promote your vlogs.
Build an email list.
Monetize your platform.
To help you catch the perfect image in all situations. The tripod only takes a few seconds to erect and adjust, yet it can support your camera in the perfect position for as long as you want, helping you take great pictures.